1st virtual vernissage
Congress Centre ALDIS, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Book of Papers
Complete Book of Papers

Frantisek Dohnal

Declaration of Helsinki

e-Europe--An Information Society for All

e-Europe initiative and the State information policy of the CR
Jiri Peterka

The State Information Policy (table)

Stockholm Challenge Award

Global Junior Challenge

Tools for the construction of an e-Europe (EuroPrix 2000)
Peter A. Bruck and Stefan Weber

The contest "Golden Crest"

The Information Society--Cities and the Global Cities Dialogue
Alfonso Molina

Tomorrow's Reinvented Government: 10 Changes Ahead
Francis A. McDonough

Legal issues for Public Administrations on the Internet
Florence de Villenfagne

Electronic Signature in the E.U. and the Czech Republic
Vladimir Smejkal

Digital Transaction Services of the City of Helsinki
Raija Ollikainen

Projects supporting the development of the Information Society (IS) and e-democracy in the Czech Republic
Frantisek Dohnal

Gdansk's experience
Wieslaw Patrzek

"Parthenay, digital town" project
Michel Hervé

Promises and Perils of an Information Society
Jiri Zlatuska

On the Way to the Information Society
Jaroslav Winter, Irina Zalisova

Public Administration, citizens and the Internet
Jiri Remr

TeleCities -- The European network of digital cities

BMI association

The Union of towns and communities of the Czech Republic
