pruhy pruhy
ISSS -- Local and regional information society ISSS -- Local and regional information society 6.--7. dubna 2009
Hradec Králové, Kongresové centrum Aldis

eID and Public Registers

Pořadatelem konference je Ministerstvo vnitra ČR.

Tuesday 7th April 2009

Small Hall

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (175 KB)

Opening Interpreting Cz<=>Eng

Ivan Langer, Minister of Interior, Czech Republic
Fabio Colasanti, Director General DG INFSO, Europena Commission
Oldřich Vlasák, President of the Czech Union of Municipalities, MEP


Coffee Break


Future visions Interpreting Cz<=>Eng

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (206 KB)

Czech eGovernment as an inspiration for Europe

Zdeněk Zajíček, Deputy Minister of Interior, Czech Republic

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (571 KB)

eID technology perspectives

Dr. Reinhard Posch, Chief Information Officer for the Federal Republic of Austria

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (322 KB)

Teaming up for the eUnion

Dan Ericsson, State Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Sweden


Electronic ID in Europe without barriers Interpreting Cz<=>Eng

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (0,8 MB)

Lowering e-service barriers between European Countries–the STORK pilot project

Frank Leyman, FEDICT, Belgium

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (93 KB)

Czech electronic ID cards project

Zdeněk Němec, Head of Department, Ministry of Interior, Czech Republic

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (1,1 MB)

Identity and privacy in the future digital society

Malcolm Crompton, Information Integrity Solutions

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (1,6 MB)

European R&D for the privacy and identity solutions for the European Information Society

Kai Rannenberg, Goethe University


Coffee Break


Panel discussion and Closing speech Interpreting Cz<=>Eng

High level panel discussion

Malcolm Crompton, Information Integrity Solutions; Reinhard Posch, Chief Information Officer of Austria; Udo Helmbrecht, President of the Federal Information Security Agency (BSI), Germany; Ugo Bechini, Civil Law Notary, Italy; Jiří Průša, Head of Department, Ministry of Interior, Czech Republic, 60'

Closing speech

Lenka Ptáčková, Deputy Minister of Interior, Czech Republic, 15'

Lecture Hall


Press conference

The joint press conference for ISSS and eID and Public Registers conferences.

Ivan Langer, Minister of Interior; Zdeněk Zajíček, Deputy Minister of Interior


Public registers in Europe without barriers Interpreting Cz<=>Eng

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (176 KB)

National population registers in a Europe without barriers

Hendrik Tamm, Director Public Authorities, RISER ID Services GmbH

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (137 KB)

Revolution in Public Registers in the Czech Republic

Jindřich Kolář, Head of the Unit for ICT Development and Project Management in Public Administration, Ministry of Interior, Czech Republic

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (1,5 MB)

eGovernment Services across borders. The Slovenian approach

Stane Stefancic, CEO, GENIS d.o.o.

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (292 KB)

OSCE/ODIHR visions and data protection challenges for the use of population registers on a European level

Ms. Kirsten Bock, EuroPriSe

Hradec Kralove



Location of the lunch: Hotel U Královny Elišky, Malé náměstí 117, Hradec Králové. The transport by buses from the conference centre to the lunch venue and back will be provided.


Departure of buses from the Conference centre to Prague