V4DIS--Visegrad Group for Developing Information Society April 2--4, 2006, Prague & Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

Informácie (Slovensko)

Linking women from Visegrad Countries and e-government

27. 4. 2006

The APC WNSP panel "ICT and Equal Opportunities of Women and Men" took place on the April 3, 2006, the first of a two-day conference on Internet in Public Administration V4DIS. Most panellists spoke about information and communication literacy as key to successful implementation of e-government objectives. At the same time, they listed ICT skills as the prime barrier that leads to a gender digital divide in the Czech Republic. In particular, the majority of the Roma women do not have sufficient ICT skills to benefit from e-government and the information society generally. The conference took place in the Czech Republic. (pokračovanie)

E-government: When the gender lens is missing...

27. 4. 2006

In the middle of 2005, the European team of APC WSNP took on a daunting task: to inject gender awareness into a regional conference focussing on the internet in public administrations. The annual e-government conference taking place in the Czech Republic celebrated its ninth year of existence in 2006. Yet, for the first time in its history, equal opportunity for women and men was put on the agenda. The majority of participants at this year's e-government conference were representatives of public administrations in the Czech Republic and other Visegrad countries (Hungary, Poland, Slovakia). Given the newness of the topic and the audience profile, we--at APC WNSP Europe--have decided to organise a panel coined as "ICT and Equal Opportunities of Women and Men". We agreed that this would provide a space for diverse key local and regional actors to present their views on gender issues in e-government. (pokračovanie)

V4DIS in Hradec Kralove for the third time

15. 4. 2006

On April 3 and 4 Hradec Kralove played host for the third year in a row to the international V4DIS (Visegrad Four for Developing Information Society) conference. As in previous years, the event took place in parallel with the national ISSS conference and its international component LORIS, which brings European views and experience into the area of public administration informisation. This year, the Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Premysl Sobotka, assumed the auspices over the working meeting of V4 states. A number of other distinguished personalities took part in the conference within official delegations of all four countries. (pokračovanie)

Setkání zemí Visegrádské čtyřky

14. 4. 2006

Také letošní konference Internet ve státní správě a samosprávě ISSS 2006 měla významný mezinárodní rozměr. Vedle tradiční zahraniční části LORIS, byla podobně jako v loňském roce rozšířena o část V4DIS (Developing Information Society in V4 Countries), na níž se setkali zástupci zemí Visegrádské čtyřky. (pokračovanie)

Delegácia Slovenskej republiky na konferencii ISSS/LORIS/V4DIS

11. 4. 2006

Deviaty ročník konferencie ISSS -- Internet v štátnej správe a samospráve, ktorý sa konal v dňoch 3.--4. apríla v kongresovom centre Aldis v Hradci Králové, navštívilo množstvo hostí zo zahraničia -- tradične najpočetnejšou delegáciou bola skupina politikov, zástupcov verejnej správy a odborníkov zo Slovenskej republiky, v čele ktorej stál minister dopravy, pôšt a telekomunikácií SR Pavol Prokopovič. V priebehu dvoch dní sa na konferencii ISSS, jej medzinárodnej časti LORIS a na pracovnom stretnutí krajín Višegrádskej štvorky V4DIS (Visegrad Four for Developing Information Society) v Hradci Králové stretlo viac ako 2000 registrovaných účastníkov, uskutočnilo sa približne 250 prednášok a prezentácií a svoje produkty, riešenia a služby pre verejnú správu predstavilo viac ako sto vystavovateľov. Zástupcovia SR sa aktívne podieľali na programe stretnutia V4DIS a okrem príspevkov týkajúcich sa rozvoja e-governmentu v Slovenskej republike predstavili aj niektoré unikátne projekty. (pokračovanie)

Web pages in the European competition EuroCrest 2006

7. 4. 2006

Announcement of the results of the EuroCrest competition for the best internet pages of towns, villages and regions in Europe was part of the programme of the gala social evening of the 9th year of the conference Internet in Public Administration and Self-government in Hradec Kralove. (pokračovanie)

Ministr Prokopovič nejvyšším zástupcem Slovenska na konferenci V4DIS

6. 4. 2006

Za Slovensko se letošní konference zúčastnili např. ministr dopravy, pošt a telekomunikací Pavol Prokopovič, prezident Únie mest Slovenska Ferdinad Vitek či prezident eSlovenska Milan Drobný. Partnerem konference bylo také Združenie miest a obcí Slovenska a zúčastnili se i zástupci asociace ITAS sdružující dodavatele ICT technologií pro veřejnou správu v čele s jejím předsedou Jurajem Sabakou.

Bratislava získala mezinárodní ocenění

6. 4. 2006

Mimořádně zajímavým tématem V4DIS byla role informačních technologií v cestovním ruchu, především otázky související s portálem V4, propagace jednotlivých destinací, role národních a regionálních portálů a význam internetové propagace států. V rámci tohoto bloku se představili i tvůrci www stránek Bratislavy, kteří si také odnesli jednu z hlavních cen.

V4DIS 2006 -- Successfully finished

5. 4. 2006

Visegrad conference, which was held as a part of the ISSS already for the third time in succession, presented this year other two key themes in addition to the traditional issues of e-government and electronic services for the citizens of V4 countries. Much interest was paid right to the first theme--gender issues and questions concerning equality of women in approach to ICT and availability of electronic services provided by public administration. The second particularly interesting theme of V4 DIS was the role of information technologies in tourism, mainly questions connected with V4 portal, promotion of separate destinations, roles of national and regional portals and significance of internet promotion of the states. (pokračovanie)

Association Czech At appreciated a possibility to issue electronic statements from all-state registers

2. 4. 2006 19:00

Within the programme of ceremonial gathering on the eve of an opening of the international conference ISSS 2006 in Hradec Kralove, there were announced results of Czech At competition. This year the prize was awarded to two subjects of public administration, which significantly contributed to the development of information society--"Subcommittee for information systems in public administration of Committee for public administration, regional development and environment of Chamber of Deputies of Parliament of CR" and "Ministry of Informatics of CR". (pokračovanie)

We cordially invite you to the Visegrad conference

16. 2. 2006 16:00

Between April 2 and 4, 2006, Prague and Hradec Kralove will for the third time host the Visegrad Four for Developing Information Society--V4DIS 2006 international conference within the well-known Internet in Public Administration/Local and Regional Information Society (ISSS/LORIS) conference. Partners of the "DIS-V4 2006: The Role of Municipalities and Regions in the Process of Development of eGovernment services, eTourism and Other Web Application for Citizens in V4 Countries" project, which is supported by the International Visegrad Fund and organised by the Cesky zavinac association, are the Association of Towns and Communities of Slovakia, the Union of Towns of Slovakia, the Hungarian National Association of Local Authorities (TÖOSZ) and Poland's Alfa Omega Foundation. (pokračovanie)

Srdecne vás pozývame na visegrádsku konferenciu

7. 2. 2006 15:15

Už potretí krát sa uskutoční v dňoch 2. až 4. apríla 2006 v Prahe a Hradci Králové v rámci známej konferencie Internet v štátnej správe a samospráve/Local and Regional Information Society (ISSS/LORIS) tiež medzinárodná konferencia Visegrad Four for Developing Information Society--V4DIS 2006. Partnermi projektu DIS-V4 2006: "The Role of Municipalities and Regions in the Process of Development of eGovernment services, eTourism and Other Web Application for Citizens in V4 Countries", ktorý je podporovaný Medzinárodným visegrádskym fondom a riadený združením Český zavináč, sú Združenie miest a obci Slovenska, Únia miest Slovenska, Maďarské národné združenie miestnych samospráv (TÖOSZ) a poľská Alfa Omega Foundation. (pokračovanie)

Preparations begin for the 9th Internet in Public Administration/Local and regional Information Society/Visegrád Group for Developing Information Society (ISSS/LORIS/V4DIS 2006) Conference

1. 9. 2005 18:00

Over the past few years, the ISSS/LORIS/V4DIS conference has become an increasingly important forum for regular assessment of the progress made with regard to utilisation of information and communication technologies at a local, regional and national level. It has also become the most significant and largest event of its kind in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. (pokračovanie)

Začala sa príprava III. ročníka konferencie V4DIS 2006

1. 9. 2005 08:00

Druhý ročník medzinárodnej konferencie Visegrád Group for Developing Information Society -- V4DIS 2005, ktorý na základe projektu "DIS-V4 2005: The Role of Municipalities and Regions in the Process of Development of e-Government services, e-Culture and other Web Applications for Citizens in V4 Countries", podporeného Medzinárodným visegrádskym fondom, prebiehal súčasne s národnou konferenciou Internet v štátnej správe a samospráve -- ISSS 2005 a medzinárodným podujatím európskeho charakteru Local and Regional Information Society -- LORIS 2005 v  Hradci Králové na počiatku apríla. Najmä konferencia V4DIS 2005 sa stretla s  veľkým ohlasom účastníkov, ako aj s uznaním predstaviteľov Európskej komisie, členov Európskeho parlamentu, Rady európskych municipalít a regiónov, pochopiteľne predstaviteľov Medzinárodného visegrádskeho fondu, členov národných parlamentov, vlád a pracovníkov štátnej správy, zástupcov svetových sietí, predstaviteľov miestnych a regionálnych samospráv aj akademických a technologických odborníkov z oblasti ICT. (pokračovanie)

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