V4DIS--Visegrad Group for Developing Information Society April 2--4, 2006, Prague & Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

Web pages in the European competition EuroCrest 2006



Announcement of the results of the EuroCrest competition for the best internet pages of towns, villages and regions in Europe was part of the programme of the gala social evening of the 9th year of the conference Internet in Public Administration and Self-government in Hradec Kralove.

The enunciator of the fourth year of the EuroCrest competition is the Association Golden Crest. This year of the competition was held under the auspices of Premysl Sobotka, President of the Senate of Parliament of the Czech Republic and was part of the V4DIS conference. The EuroCrest competition draws on the experience made at organizing the Golden Crest competition held in the Czech Republic with taking into account consultations with experts from European Union.

The EuroCrest aims, similarly as the Golden Crest competition, to award exceptional projects, to support mutual exchange of experience and to evaluate effort of representatives of local government and self-government to effectively use information technologies for increasing quality and availability of public administration services. The organisers want in this way to contribute to speeding the development of public administration services of European institutions.

To this year winners of EuroCrest competition belong official web pages of the towns: Poznan (Poland)--www.city.poznan.pl, Constanta (Rumania)--www.primaria-constanta.ro and Bratislava (Slovakia)--www.bratislava.sk and official web pages of the town district Prague 12 (Praha 12) (www.praha12.cz).

More information about EuroCrest Contest
