V4DIS--Visegrad Group for Developing Information Society April 3--5, 2005, Prague & Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

V4DIS Conference Press Release

11/02/2004, 16:24

V4DIS Conference--The Visegrad Four for Developing Information Society-will again take place in Prague and Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic on April 3--5, 2005. The conference is based on the project entitled The DIS-V4 2005: The Role of Municipalities and Regions in the Process of Development of e-Government services, e-Culture and Other Web Applications for Citizens in V4 Countries.

The International Visegrad Fund approved the project and the conference is thus organized with its kind support. Applicant for the project is the Association of Czech At. Following organizations have participated on the project:

  • the Association of Polish Cities
  • Hungarian National Association of Local Authorities
  • Union of the Towns and Cities of Slovakia
  • Union of Towns and Communities of the Slovak Republic

Similarly to the last year, the V4DIS Conference will be held in synergy with the ISSS/LORIS (Internet in Public Administration/Local and Regional Information Society) 2005 Conference, a major e-government and ICT event in CEE countries. Last year, almost 2000 participants, representatives of the European Commission, national and local governments, public administration authorities, IT experts and others including an IVF representative, attended the conference.

The main aim of the V4DIS 2005 is to keep on developing Information society, as defined in the eEurope 2005 Action Plan, in the V4 Countries. The V4DIS Conference 2005 will follow and further develop objectives and outputs resulting form the last-year Visegrad conference. Another regular meeting of representatives of associations of municipalities and regions from CEEC will take place within the conference. Last year, the Visegrad Declaration on Local and Regional Information Society Development was adopted on this occasion. It is an aim of this year conference to contribute to pursuing and fulfilling a set of objectives defined in the declaration.

Tentative topics for the V4DIS 2005 agenda are as follows: gateways to national cultural heritage, eLibraries, possibilities of joint projects in the V4 countries, information systems, environment and sustainable development in the V4, interoperability and many others.

To get more actual information, please keep visiting www.isss.cz/v4dis
