V4DIS--Visegrad Group for Developing Information Society April 3--5, 2005, Prague & Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

Audio Recording

Audio recording of chosen speeches and lectures.

4. 4. 2005, 9.20  Transparency in Public Administration, William J. Cabaniss, US Ambassador to the Czech Republic
4. 4. 2005, 9.30  CEMR Policy Group on Information Society and e-Government, Angelika Poth-Moegele, Council of European Municipalities and Regions
4. 4. 2005, 10.55  ISSS Opening, William J. Cabaniss, US Ambassador to the Czech Republic
4. 4. 2005, 11.37  ISSS Opening, Willi Lemke, Bremen

The other speeches are available in Czech