ISSS--Local and regional information society March 23--25, 2003
Prague & Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic



LORIS Conference Proceedings
Adobe Acrobat dokument (2.3 MB)
ZIP archiv (2 MB)
Responses and Evaluations
Adobe Acrobat dokument (254 kB)
Presentations of CEEC Associations
Adobe Acrobat dokument (189 kB)
Guidebook based on the analysis of best practices observed and topics discussed
Adobe Acrobat dokument (1.6 MB)


Speaker registration form for the LORIS 2003 Conference
Adobe Acrobat document (79 KB)
MS Word document (62 KB)
Information on the LORIS 2003 Conference Speech
Adobe Acrobat document (85 KB)
MS Word document (63 KB)
Structure of the Paper for LORIS 2003 Conference
Adobe Acrobat document (83 KB)
MS Word document (66 KB)

Local and regional government web sites exhibition

Registration Form for LORIS 2003 Conference Exhibitors
Adobe Acrobat document (94 KB)
MS Word document (63 KB)