Conference V4DIS in April 2011 already for the eighth timeIn the days of 4–5 April 2011, parallel with the programme of the 14th year of the Conference ISSS/LORIS, there will be held already for the eighth time also a working meeting of the representatives of the Visegrad Four countries–the Conference V4DIS (Visegrad Four for Developing Information Society). This event has become an inseparable part of a long-term project that began in 2004 and is aimed at use of information and communication technologies in the field of public administration and modern electronic services for citizens, exchange of experience and presentation of the top projects and that is within a broader central European context. Similarly as in the previous years the auspices of the Conference V4DIS has been granted by Přemysl Sobotka, Vice-chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, who has repeatedly pointed out in the recent years that "similar events prove confidently that regional cooperation and exchange of experience really matters especially if it concerns neighbouring countries with similar economy, historical development as well as with a number of common problems." "We would like to continue in supporting exchange of experience in the area of development of e-government and related areas such as for example e-tourism and that is on a stable international platform which we have managed to create in the recent years with support of International Visegrad Fund," says RNDr. Tomáš Renčín, executive director of the Conference. "I believe that the upcoming event will once again significantly contribute to a further development of information society at the local as well as regional level and it will also contribute to intensifying collaboration of towns and regions in the V4 countries." Among main topics of the Conference there will not be missing as usual for example projects involving e-tourism, issues concerning further development of crossborder cooperation, experience from implementation of modern technologies in the wide spectrum of fields connected with public administration and samples of best practices. The traditional part of the conference V4DIS also includes a presentation of the activities of young talented people who take an active part in the administration of public matters and by the means of the competition JuniorErb (JuniorCrest) compare their own projects and exchange valuable experience. Representatives of the public administration of V4 countries will also take over prizes awarded within the traditional competition EuroCrest. The main organizer of the Conference V4DIS 2011 is the Association Czech At, the event is also prepared by the University Hradec Králové, the City Hall of Prague and partners from V4 countries–Union of Towns of Slovakia, town Karcag (Hungary) and Alfa-Omega Foundation, towns Walbrzych, Radkow and district Swidnica (Poland). |