V4DIS--Visegrad Group for Developing Information Society March 28--30, 2004, Prague & Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

Meeting of representatives of governments, regions and towns of the Visegrad 4 countries and Slovenia

03/29/2004, 14:00

On Monday March 29, 2004 at 9 a. m. the proceedings of the Visegrad Group and Slovenia for Developing Information Society (V4DIS) 2004 conference got under way. In the introductory block, Minister of Informatics of the Czech Republic Vladimir Mlynar, administrator of the Czech Vysocina Region Frantisek Dohnal, representatives of the European Commission Gerald Santucci, David Broster and Agnes Bradier gave speeches, as did in conclusion Javier Ossandon from the European ELANET.

Following the morning block, at 1 p. m. there was an informal meeting of representatives of governments, associations of municipalities and representatives of regional and municipal authorities of all four Visegrad Group countries plus Slovenia. The meeting’s objective was to inform representatives of the ministries responsible for information and communications technologies and information society development in the mentioned countries about the adoption of the eV4+/LORIS Declaration. The government representatives accepted this initiative and pledged their full support. In the afternoon blocks, which directly linked up with this brief meeting, Minister of Informatics of the Czech Republic Vladimir Mlynar, State Secretary of the Ministry of Transport, Post and Telecommunications of the Slovak Republic Mikulas Kacaljak, State Secretary of the Hungarian Ministry of Informatics and Telecommunications Mihaly Jambrik, IT chief expert of the Polish Ministry of Infrastructure Kazimierz Bartczak and State Secretary of the Ministry for Information Society of Slovenia Jozsef Györkös outlined the state (national) information policies of their respective countries. Following on from this programme section were the e-Strategy and international cooperation of cities blocks.