V4DIS--Visegrad Group for Developing Information Society March 28--30, 2004, Prague & Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

New towns becoming GCD members

03/28/2004, 21:20

The Visegrad Group and Slovenia for Developing Information Society (V4DIS) conference was also an important event of the Global Cities Dialogue. On Sunday March 28, 2004 at 7:40 p. m. the signing ceremony to mark the accession of new members to GCD took place in the Satchmo Jazz Club in Hradec Kralove (the vice-chair city for Eastern Europe). By signing the Helsinki Declaration, three cities from Visegrad 4 countries have become new members--Banska Bystrica (Slovakia), Walbrzych (Poland), and Trinec (Czech Republic). Stan The Man Bohemian Blues Trio provided entertainment throughout the gala evening.

The cities that have joined the Global Cities Dialogue were involved in the wider initiative of cities’ benchmarking, in which they presented their e-Strategy. This distinct initiative, introduced by the company Triada, the main organiser of the ISSS/LORIS/V4DIS conference, in cooperation with the Committee for Information Systems of Towns and Municipalities of the Union of Towns and Communities of the Czech Republic and the Informatics Department of Prague City Council, facilitates mapping and comparing public administration informisation in V4+, Eastern and South-Eastern European counties, as well as elsewhere around the world. The English-language version of the benchmarking of cities and associations was specially issued for the conference. It is a sound basis and a wide-ranging material the organisers would like to develop and continue supplementing in as wide a European scope as possible. Hence, the organisers call upon networks such as GCD, ELANET, TeleCities, Major Cities of Europe, eForum and others to join this project and cooperate with its initiators in its extension.