V4DIS--Visegrad Group for Developing Information Society March 28--30, 2004, Prague & Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

Project DIS-V4: The Role of Municipalities and Regions in the Process of Development of e-Government services, e-Culture and Other Web Applications for Citizens in V4 Countries

10/13/2003, 12:00

Dear participants,

I would like to annonce that we apply for co-financing of the project "DIS-V4: The Role of Municipalities and Regions in the Process of Development of e-Government services, e-Culture and Other Web Applications for Citizens in V4 Countries" from the International Visegrad Fund. This project is lead by Sdruzeni Cesky zavinac (Association of Czech At) and the partners of this project are:

  • HadroNet Ltd., Hungary
  • The Union of Towns and Communities of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Republic
  • Association of Polish Cities, Poland

We present on our web pages the basic description of the project and Provisional Programme. We will inform you immediately after submitting process if this projet is approved.

With hope for fruitful cooperation in the common visegrad future in Europe.

Tomas Rencin, The Chairman of the Association of Czech @