e-Strategy and profile of a city in view of information society development
Drawn up for the presentation of big cities of the CR/V4/EU at ISSS/LORIS 2004
Model example--working version.
Solc, Informatics Department, Prague City Council, 2.2.2004
Prague (Czech Republic)
A. Identification and contact
City |
Prague |
State |
Czech Republic (CR) |
Website |
www.praha-mesto.cz |
Contact person
(workplace, position, address, contact) |
Jaroslav Solc
Informatics Department, Prague City Council (INF MHMP)
Head of the Policy Department
Marianske nam. 2, 110 01 Prague
Tel.: +420 236 002 682, fax:+420 236 007 105
e-mail: jaroslav.solc@cityofprague.cz |
Date of drawing up |
2. 2. 2004 |
B. Basic profile of the city
Position in public administration |
- Municipality--Capital of the Czech Republic, 1 of 20 statutory towns in the CR
- Region--a higher municipal self-governing unit, 1 of 14 regions of the CR
Population |
1.18 million |
Area |
496 km2 |
Budget |
31 billion CZK (1 billion EUR)--2003 expenditure |
Organisation of city administration
(city districts, elected bodies, authority, organisations) |
- Capital City of Prague (HMP)
Elected bodies: Board of Representatives (70 members), Council (11 members) headed by the
Lord Mayor
Authority: Prague City Council (headed by the Director).
Also organisations constituted by the city.
- City districts (MC), a total of 57, of which 22 have a specific position for state
administration execution in delegated operation (so-called administrative districts)
All of them have elected bodies (Board of Representatives, Council headed by the Mayor),
city district authorities (headed by the MC Secretary) and constitute organisations
Note: Pursuant to the Act on the Capital City of Prague. Relations between the Capital
City of Prague and city district authorities are regulated by the Statute of the Capital
City of Prague. Representatives are elected for 4 years (2002--2006).
Number of city employees
(of which the authority) |
A total of approximately 40 thousand (administration, including city
district authorities, education system, health-care and social services, transport, city
police etc) Prague City Council--approximately 2 thousand. |
Existence of basic documents for city development and administration
(strategic plan, statement of policy, as of)
Note: Informatics hereinafter, Section C-2. |
City of Prague Strategic Plan--drawn up by URM, adopted by the Board of
Representatives of HMP in 2000, contains a plan for the period up to 2020 and programmes
up to 2006. Informatics in the chapter "City Management and Administration”.
Monitoring report submitted annually. The present council adopted the statement of
policy "Together for Prague", also comprising goals pertaining to informatics
(Chapter XII). |
Membership of national and international organisations (with wider focus,
specific to IT, see Section C6) |
Czech Republic: Union of Towns and Communities of the Czech Republic
(ISMO Committee), Association of Regions of the CR (since 2003, Informatics Committee) International:
ICT: TeleCities (since 2001), Global Cities Dialogue (since 2000). Others: OWHC, CLARE,
Metrex, Eurocities, Polis |
C. Data on information society development (LORIS topics)
1) Organisation of IT
Municipal management and executive bodies as regards IT and e-Government
issues |
Prague City Council--Informatics Department. Informatics departments at
city district authorities (mainly Prague 1--22). Informatics workplaces in HMP
organisations (IMIP, URM, DP, TSK, PIS etc). The informatics policy is set out by the
Informatics Department of Prague City Council (according to the Statute of the Capital
City of Prague). Platforms for information exchange: Board of District Information
Scientists (2× a month, Prague 1), approximately 2--4× a year--meeting of the Capital
City of Prague information scientists at Prague City Council. Cooperation with the PR
Department of Prague City Council (information services for the public). |
Central IT workplace and its position in the authority (department),
number of employees, structure, main activities. IT workplaces in other departments (e.g.,
transport, land-use planning, environment, education etc) |
The Informatics Department of Prague City Council (INF MHMP), included in
the internal services section, has 65 employees. Structure: conceptual and analytical
department (strategies, international and nationwide activities etc), application
department (management and development of applications), data services department (basic
registers, GIS), network department (administration of MePNet (city) and MagNet (Prague
City Council) networks, final user support department (service of HW and basic SW), www
department (technical administration and development of www), electronic signature
department (preparation of implementation).
ICT services in Prague City Council are centralised, apart from exceptions (crisis
management, SURM) there are no autonomous IT workplaces in other departments. |
Who is responsible for e-Government development, general website
management etc (IT+PR+?) |
The e-Government policy is being developed. INF MHMP ensures web services
(Internet, Extranet, Intranet) in technical terms (the www department), the PR and other
departments in content terms. The PR department operates the information centre of Prague
City Council. The call centre project "Green Line" is under preparation. |
Other municipal authorities and organisations with significant influence
on IT (IT departments at city district authorities, "technical” organisation set up
by the city) |
Informatics departments at city district authorities, mainly Prague
1--22. Digital maps: City Informatics Institute of the Capital City of Prague (IMIP, www.imip.cz)
Transport: ROPID (www.ropid.cz), City of Prague
Transport Utility (www.dp-praha.cz), Institute of
Transport Engineering of the Capital City of Prague (www.udi-praha.cz),
Communications Technical Administration (TSK, www.tsk-praha.cz)
Information: Prague Information Service (www.pis.cz,
culture, accommodation, tourism etc) and other (energy sector, water management etc) |
Major services purchased, possibly IT outsourcing |
Telecommunication and network services (Pragonet) Application
development (economic SW--Gordic, documents--Obis, Exprit etc, GIS--T-maps, Hydrosoft
Veleslavin, administrative agendas--MP Orga etc) |
Operating rule or other "rules” for use of IT by employees, system
of employee training, knowledge testing (ECDL) |
Operating rules of the Prague City Council network (decree of the MHMP
Director). Basic information on ICT use is part of the introductory employee training
(a week-long adaptation course). The employee education offer includes fundamental courses
(e.g., MS Office). Specialist training for users of specific applications (documentary
service, TED--documents, accounting, editing system for www etc) is provided--in
cooperation with the staff department. |
2) Strategy, security
Information strategy/policy (yes/no/drawn up, who drew it up, when etc) |
City of Prague Information Strategy. Drawn up in 2001 by the
Informatics Department of Prague City Council. RHMP took cognisance in VI/2001. It
contains the analysis, goals, plan for a 4-6-year period. At the present time, it is being
updated (linkage to eEurope 2005 and the ISVS attestation requirements in compliance with
Czech legislation). Three major goals (+ partial goals) have been set:
C1: Digital administration of the city; C2: Electronic communication with the
public; C3: Prague at the head of the information community.
Also being drawn up: e-Government Development Policy (see hereinafter C-5) |
Security policy (yes/no/drawn up, who drew it up, when etc) |
IS Security Policy of Prague City Council. Drawn up on the basis of the
principles adopted by RHMP in 2002 (in compliance with the ISO 17799 standard and ISVS
attestation requirements). It is drawn up by INF MHMP in cooperation with the company
ITSC, T: draft VI/2004. At Prague City Council the training structure and system and
documentation (one of the policy's goals) pertaining to IS security is yet to be created. |
Audits, testing |
Economic audits of the Capital City of Prague in recent years
(Delloite&Touche, 2002, 2003, before PWC) also included a partial IS and security
audit. In 2003 an ISVS inspection record (Secunet) was carried out. |
3) Infrastructure
Existence of a metropolitan network
(who is connected, technical characteristics, organisation of operation, connection to
other networks, plans) |
A metropolitan computer network built up by the company Pragonet (part of
T-Systems, originally set up by the city). It also includes a non-public data network of
the Capital City of Prague, MePNet, administered by INF MHMP. It interconnects almost 50
subjects of the city (Prague City Council, City District Authorities Prague 1-22, selected
organisations and external subjects). Modern parameters for broadband multimedia
transmission (optical cables + radio transmission, 155 Mbps, TCP/IP Protocol). Another
approximately 350 subjects of the city (schools, small city district authorities) are
interconnected by means of telephone lines. Services--internal data transmission, e-mail,
internet. Connection to GovNet (Ministry of Finance of the CR, Ministry of Labour and
Social Affairs of the CR). Plan for development of both the metropolitan network and
MePNet , modernisation and extension of the network (city district authorities, schools,
libraries). |
Equipment of authorities--LAN, connection to a metropolitan network or
internet, share of employees equipped with PC + connected to network, with access to
e-mail, Internet services etc) |
Most city district authorities have their own internal LAN network
(administered by informatics departments). Prague City Council has MagNet--interface of 33
buildings (mainly optical cables). Standard access from user PCs, remote mobile access for
selected users (members of the Board of Representatives, executives of MHMP). Connected to
MePNet. All MHMP administrative staff are equipped with PCs connected to the network and
have access to e-mail (their own boxes) and the internet (unlimited, monitored). |
4) SW agendas and data
Solution to main agendas: internal (economy, property management,
personnel administration, document administration, specialist self-governing agendas),
external (web, state administration agendas), special systems (e.g., GIS), level of
integration and use of web technologies |
Systems of individual subjects (MHMP, UMC) are created with a large
degree of autonomy. MHMP lacks an integrated system. Various client-server applications
(Oracle, Informix, SQL databases). Basic economic agendas are dealt with in the GINIS
(from the company Gordic) system. SW Gordic is applied for all city district authorities.
The documentary service is at MHMP (Gordic) and some UMC, the citywide project, including
electronic document administration (SO01 Exprit), is being implemented. Creation and
registration of documents into RHMP and ZHMP (TED/Obis). Property management--at present,
re-engineering is under preparation. State administration agendas--trades licensing
offices, social benefits etc (UMC Prague 1--22). Web (Internet/Extranet/Intranet)
administered by the Publix editorial system, linkages to selected applications (documents
etc) are solved. Map services: WebGIS Praha (T-Soft), the environment: WebMap (Hydrosoft
Gradual integration and creation of applications in three-layer architecture,
conversion to a portal solution. |
Creation, administration and use of basic registers and dials, level of
integration, technologies |
At the citywide level, basic data entities--digital maps, address
register (ZUZI) etc--are administered. Data from central registers (register of
inhabitants --Ministry of the Interior of the CR, land register --Czech Geodesy and Land
Register Office, register of economic subjects--Czech Statistical Office, nationwide
address register--Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the CR. |
Major linkages to surrounding public administration information systems
(upwards--state, region;
downwards--city districts, organisations) |
Prague City Council fulfils the role of a regional authority, ensures
some data linkages to central government bodies and (downwards) to city district
authorities. For instance, state administration agendas: trades licensing offices, state
social benefits, (newly) the wage information system etc. As regards self-governing
agendas, primarily cohesion of financial agendas within the Capital City of Prague
authorities is dealt with. |
Use of open source SW
(status, plan) |
No considerable introduction at MHMP is used or being planned for the
near future. |
5) e-Government, web, CRM and specific e-Services
e-Government development policy
(yes/no/drawn up, by whom, when etc) |
Application of e-Government principles is declared in the RHMP statement
of policy. Information services for the public are inherent in Goal 2 of the Capital City
of Prague Information Strategy. The e-Government policy for the Capital City of Prague is
being drawn up--terms, analysis, goals etc. (INF MHMP, T: IV/2004) |
Communication channels used for provision of services
(web, call centres, information and contact centres, public access places, mobile
communication etc) |
The city website, Internet (MHMP and UMC, and
organisations--interconnected to a minimum extent). Prague City Council's information
centre is part of the PR department (there are also centres at other city district
authorities)--possible visits, information materials, telephones, web instructions,
including provision of contact information.
Public access terminals (info-kiosks) are implemented on a minimal scale (PCs within
information centres).
Other services in the project plan (call centre). |
Organisation of e-Government and web
(management structure, who, what) |
A central management structure is not defined. Management of information
for the public on websites (Internet) is carried out in cooperation with the PR department
(appearance, main content, news) and INF (technical management, editorial system and its
training). Intranet is managed in cooperation with the personnel department. Other
departments participate in fulfilment. Fixing of rules and the management structure is one
of the policy's goals, including assurance of linkages to other information channels. |
Address of the city's website, interesting information services,
participation in competitions and awards etc. |
The city's main website: www.praha-mesto.cz
(English: www.prague-city.cz) Thematic servers,
e.g., news: http://www.praha-noviny.cz, web
cameras: http://kamery.praha-mesto.cz, the
environment: http://envis.praha-mesto.cz etc.
City district authorities and organisations have their own websites.
The website www.praha-mesto.cz has been awarded
prizes in the nationwide competitions Golden Crest 2002 and Eurocrest 2003. The atlas of
the environment in Prague www.praha-mesto.cz/atlaszp
has won prizes in the competition Geoapplication 1999 (competitions within the ISSS
conference). Envis has been awarded a prize in an international competition (GRID/CEROI
2003). |
Characteristics of the degree of existing e-Government services according
to 4 categories (1--information, 2--one-way interaction, 3--two-way interaction,
4--transaction) |
Mainly categories 1 (provision of information) and 2 (making out forms).
Services for communication and discussion with the city's representatives are being
developed. |
Target groups addressed and differentiated |
Partial solution--columns for the public, entrepreneurs, tourists. A
portal solution is being planned. |
Accessibility of e-services for citizens, equipment
(proportion of citizens with internet access, possessing mobile telephones, equipping of
schools, public access places), accessibility for the disabled etc. |
DEMA survey 2004, Prague: 52% of Prague citizens uses Internet.
CSO survey 2002, Czech Republic, equipment of households (4.1 mil. total): phone 69.9%, GSM 64.6%, PC 24.6%, cable TV 25%, satellite 11.8%, notebook 3.1%. Connected to Internet 16,4%. Numbers in Prague are expected higher. New numbers from 2003 survey are to be published in May 2004.
Development of "blind-friendly" parameters of the Capital City of Prague's website is being planned (at the present, to the minimum extent).
Assurance of feedback (use of e-services in total and individually) |
Merely a partial solution for the web (number of accesses, email to the
webmaster). Systematic approach of the current eGov conception. Implementation of the
regional round of the competition of websites and e-services of towns and municipalities
Golden Crest 2004 (for the first time). |
Activities for civic society development and participation in the city's
administration (e-Democracy) |
Making public development plans, decisions, budgets etc public on the
website. Video broadcasts from sessions of the Board of Representatives of the City of
Prague. Possible debate on selected topics. E-mail communication with political
representatives. Public inquiries (for example, spectators' inquiry on the Prague round of
the Golden Crest competition). |
Promotion of e-Learning |
Only limited so far--for example, publication of educational programmes
for Prague City Council employees and on-line registration. |
Analysis of labour organisation and management processes and changes
(Re-engineering). |
Not taking place at MHMP, it is one of the goals of the e-Government
policy. Activities at the Prague 1 city district authority (the Management of Management
project). |
Introduction of electronic signatures, chip cards and other e-Security
elements |
Has not been implemented to date (with the exception of single authorised
certificates--testing). |
6) Cooperation, financing etc
Permanent IT cooperation with other networks and professional
organisations or other cities (at the national and international level) |
CR: The ISMO National Committee (Union of Towns and Communities of the
CR), including cooperation between statutory towns in the CR, the Informatics Committee of
AK CR, cooperation with CAGI. International cooperation: Activity in the TeleCities
organisation (member of the management committee). Contacts with GCD, Major Cities of
Cooperation at international conferences in the CR (ISSS/LORIS, MIS/UDMS). |
Experience and involvement in joint projects (national and
international), projects drawing support from EU funds (Structural Funds etc) |
Projects in the CR: MVCR/AKCR etc (ePUSA, KEVIS etc) European projects:
FP5/IST informatics projects pertaining to the environment (Interact, Heaven, preparation
of other projects for FP6).
Monitoring of possible use of Structural Funds for informatics development in the City
of Prague (JPD2, JPD3, cooperation with the EU funds department of the Prague City
Council, city district authorities etc). |
Priorities and plans for other activities |
Modernisation of the city's administration using ICT on the basis of a
defined strategy. Infrastructure development. Integration deepening. Re-engineering of
applications. Use of modern technologies (3-layer architecture). Security management.
Implementation of the e-Government policy. Reinforcement of project management methods and
resource management, documentation and information sharing. Strengthening of cooperation
between the city's subjects. Enhancement of cooperation with other cities in the CR and
abroad, benchmarking etc. |
Experience and lessons learned |
Necessity of a conceptual approach and cooperation. Necessity of
determining priorities by the city's management and authorities. Principles of resource
management and project management. Securing several financial resources. The importance of
enlightenment and education. The importance of promoting new services for citizens. |
7) Specific projects
Any other interesting projects and activities that can serve as a model
(best practises) for others |
Creation of policies and cooperation with other cities. Creation of a
metropolitan network. Introduction of electronic document management on a citywide scale.
Creation and management of the city's digital maps. Environment information system,
including the environmental atlas on the website. Specific internet services--web cameras,
video broadcasting. Mobile access to the authority's network etc. |