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ISSS 2002 Conference Hradec Kralove

1st virtual vernissage
First virtual vernissage

Congress Centre ALDIS, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

Press Release


Every year I follow with great interest the meeting in Hradec Kralove

"Annually increasing participation in the conference in Hradec Kralove, which is moreover connected with an international conference LORIS and Visegrad conference V4DIS, proves that organisers of this event do not do their work in vain. EGovernment issues are dealt here at the top level not only in point of theory, but participation of people from regions, who apply this policy in real practice, also plays an important part. If there has occurred any improvement in the matter of Czech eGovernment, it has happened thanks to enthusiasm of these people, for they enthusiastically and often in advance tested out their own projects in the struggle with the bureaucracy and thus they developed valuable incentives for solving these tasks at the national level. They deserve our respect for that."

"I personally follow the meeting in Hradec Kralove annually with great interest. As the President of the Czech Senate I am drawn in by two things. The first one is the Senate's interest in communication between state and citizens, decrease in bureaucratic load and increase in transparency of public administration. Many of our senators have joined big politics from municipal sphere and that is why they understand the idea of using informatics for efficient performance of public administration and providing first-rate and modern services for the citizens. The second part of my interest in the conference lies in participation of partners from Visegrad countries, which proves to me that regional cooperation and exchange of experience, and that is also within broader global processes, has deep sense."

Triada Ltd. The Union of Towns and Communities of the Czech Republic The Office for Public Information Systems Information Society Association ExMise

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