1st virtual vernissage
Congress Centre ALDIS, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
The Conference "Internet in Public Administration" ISSS 2002
"The conference has been an immense success. Not only for the
quality of the presentations and the dedication and expressed satisfaction of the many
participants, but also for the promises which blossomed during the more confidential
discussions taking place between the local and regional networks and the Candidate Country
representatives," said Gerald Santucci, head of Unit Applications relating to
Administration of the Information Society Directorate-General. "I trust that this
year's conference will leave a great footprint on the trail towards eGovernment and that
it will be remembered as the beginning of a new sense of dialogue, commitment and
leadership for narrowing the several 'divides'--geographic, social, digital, etc.--which
still fragment our European territories and to which proper implementation of eGovernment
may indeed bring some useful solutions".
The conference ISSS, organized by Triada Company in cooperation with
Association of Towns and Communities of the Czech Republic and other institutions, has
proved its position as the most significant event in the Czech Republic and very well
known in Central and Eastern Europe in the area of information technologies in public
administration. The number of participants in the year 2002 (representatives and employees
of state and local administration, IT specialists, businessmen from the field of
Information and Communication Technologies)--1687 people from 18 countries, and increasing
interest from commercial partners and media is the best evidence. The audience heard a
total of 153 presentations, including 34 presentations in the framework of the
International Seminar and 65 companies took part in the Conference exhibition.
The main goal of International Seminar: Local and Regional Information
Society, of the fifth year ISSS 2002 Conference was to facilitate co-operation between
associations from Candidate Countries and EU organisations of local regional government.
The objectives were
- Present the current situation in information society building at municipal level, their
achievements, municipal projects and activities being implemented and/or prepared, in
particular findings of the "Enhancing Active Participation of Sub-national
Governments in the EU Enlargement Process" (EAP), working group Information Society
of the Visegrad Group countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary) and national study of
- Enable the CEE associations of municipalities to get acquainted with European
information society networks for municipalities, regions and associations of
municipalities (TeleCities, ELANET, ERIS@)
- Present EU Programmes:
- eGovernment in the 6th Framework Programme--with 10-year vision
- IDA Program--Interchange of Data between Administrations--a Community program set
up in 1995 to promote the electronic exchange of information between administrations
- eContent Program--supporting the production, use and distribution of European digital
content (e-content) on the global network
- Formulate possible areas of co-operation in information society building and agree on
next steps to be taken, in particular with regard to co-ordination of preparation
activities of CEE Candidate Countries for EU accession
At the common meeting of ELANET, ERIS@, TeleCities with representatives
of candidate countries local government associations a Memorandum of Understanding was
adopted. The document is attached. The Candidate Countries' Local and Regional Government
Organizations' Network (LOGONet+) aims at:
- Efficient mutual co-operation of these organisations and establishment of their
continuous dialogue at the national and international level
- Strengthening of the professional relationship with similar organisation in the European
- Identification of co-operation opportunities through the Committee of Regions, Economic
and Social Committee, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions, and other
institutions whenever possible
- Institutionalisation of the advocacy channel for local and regional governments to the
European Union
During evening festive programme the Eurocrest prize for the best web
presentation of European towns and communities was awarded to the towns Stara Zagora (Bulgaria), Most (Czechia), Tapa
(Estonia), Vilnius (Lithuania), Szczecin (Poland) and Nove
Zamky (Slovakia).