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ISSS 2002 Conference Hradec Kralove

1st virtual vernissage
First virtual vernissage

Congress Centre ALDIS, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

Press Release


Results of Eurocrest and JuniorErb competitions

Eurocrest 2016—Bruntál and Martin

In the Eurocrest competition for the best internet web pages of towns, municipalities and regions in Europe among the main awarded projects there were the official pages of the town Bruntál, the last year winner of the category towns in the national competition Golden Crest and besides this also the official web pages of the town Martin. As usual results announcement was part of the programme of the 19th year of the ISSS conference in Hradec Králové (ISSS/V4DIS 2016)—similarly as last year the awarding was held in the project laboratory on Monday afternoon and that is in the presence of the Vice President of the Senate of the Parliament of CR Přemysl Sobotka. Eurocrest competition is announced by the Association Golden Crest in cooperation with the European Commission and European network IT projects such as TeleCities. The Eurocrest competition follows experience gained during organizing the competition Golden Crest organized in the Czech Republic considering consulting the specialists from the European Union.

JuniorErb 2016—young talents competition

As this year conference Junior Internet has been postponed to a later date, national winners of the JuniorErb competition were announced at the conference ISSS/V4DIS in Hradec Králové. It took place on the occasion of meeting of the competition participants with the Vice President of the Senate of the Parliament of CR Přemysl Sobotka in the Congress Centre Aldis. At first there were presented winners of Plzeň and Prague rounds and then jury foreman Petr Naske from the Union of School Informatics announced each winner. The first place was gained by the winners of Prague round from the Secondary Grammar School of Christian Doppler, the second place was reached by the team of Secondary Grammar School in Havlíčkův Brod and the third place was obtained by Jakub Štěpánek from the Secondary Grammar School Mikulášská in Plzeň, who won also the regional round. The jury decided to give also a special award, which was handed over to the team from Arcibiskupské Secondary Grammar School at Vinohrady in Prague. The winners received material prizes and all participants got a memorial certificate from the patron of the competition Přemysl Sobotka.

Triada Ltd. The Union of Towns and Communities of the Czech Republic The Office for Public Information Systems Information Society Association ExMise

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