Enclosure: Profile information and benchmarking
A proposed draft questionnaire for processing information on national associations of
towns and municipalities (1) and cities (2) in terms of information society development.
Part of the preparation of the LORIS/eV4+ Declaration. The results are intended for
publication within the framework of the ISSS/LORIS 2004, or DIS-V4, conference.
1) Associations of towns and municipalities
(Model Example)
Information processed and presented within ISSS/LORIS 2003 (subsequently published in
the Guidebook).
- Identification and contact
- Name of the association, abbreviation
- Website
- Contact person for ISSS/LORIS/DIS-V4 (name, position, contact)
- Date of processing
- Basic profile of the association and country
- Population of the country
- Structure of regional administration division
- Number of towns and municipalities (+ division into categories by size, for example 500,
50, 5 thousand inhabitants?)
- Membership base of the association--number / share of towns and municipalities
representing the number /share of inhabitants
- Origination, fundamental goals
- Bodies and structure (current occupancy, at least chairperson and executive committee)
- Resources for securing activity (finance--membership fees and other, human
- Cooperation with other groupings, primarily international (IULA, CEMR etc.) and
membership of them
- Data on information society development, ICT and e-Government at the local and
regional level (LORIS topics)
- The association's body responsible for ICT and e-Government issues, its goals and
activities, structure
- Governmental body responsible for ICT and e-Government (name, website), cooperation
between the association and this body
- Other national organisations and associations with relation to the LORIS issue (names,
abbreviations, web-contacts)
- Existence of national e-strategy or action plan (name, when it was drawn up, by whom),
its relation to LORIS topics
- Creation and existence of e-strategies of regions, towns and municipalities
- Number of regions, towns and municipalities having their own websites, the type of
information they make public on them (for example, according to the requirements of laws,
standards, methodologies)
- Degree of provision of informational on-line services (according to e-Government
categories: information, one-way interaction, two-way interaction, transactions)
- Degree of rating of multi-platform on-line services (web, call centres, one stop)
- Existence of conference activities, benchmarking and best practices within a country and
with the association's participation
- Existence of national government support for e-Government development initiatives at the
local and regional level (programmes, grants, projects)
- Experience and involvement in joint projects (international, national, among several
subjects), preparation and experience with implementation of projects drawing support from
EU funds, mainly structural funds
- Further experience with solutions pertaining to: Re-engineering, e-Health, e-Learning,
e-Security, e-Democracy, CRM etc.
- Priorities and plans for other activities
- Experience and lessons learned
2) Cities
(Model Example)
Draft structure of data on IT in a city after the presentation of statutory towns of
the Czech Republic (Solc, MHMP/KISMO, XII/2003), questionnaire of the TeleCities and
Deloitte&Touche: e-Citizenship for All Survey (2003).
- Identification and contact
- Name (in mother tongue, English)
- Website
- Contact person (name, position, contact)
- Date of processing
- Basic profile of the city
- Specific position in public administration (capital of the state/region, statutory town
- Population
- Organisation of the city's (district's ) administration
- Elected bodies (number, structure), existence of a statement of policy
- Existence of basic documents for the city's development and administration (strategic
plan, statement of policy etc.--from when)--priorities
- Membership of national and international organisations (with wider focus, specific to
IT, see Section C6)
- Number of municipal employees, of whom administrative staff
- Budget (and/or other statistical GDP indicators, unemployment)
- Data on information society development (LORIS topics)
- Organisation of IT
- Municipal management and executive bodies as regards IT and e-Government issues
- Central IT workplace and its position in the office (department), number of staff,
structure, main activities; IT workplace in other departments (for example, transport,
land-use planning, environment, education etc.)
- Who is responsible for e-Government development, general website management etc.
- Other municipal authorities and organisations with significant influence on IT (IT trade
unions on city district authorities, "technical" organisation set up by the
- IT budget (% of the city's budget), structure (infrastructure + HW, SW + supports, data
acquisition and purchase, telecommunications fees etc.)
- Major services purchased, possibly IT outsourcing
- Operating rules or other "rules” for use of IT by employees, system of employee
training, knowledge testing (ECDL)
- Strategy, security
- Information strategy/policy (existence of an independent document, whether it is in
process, from when, who drew it up, process of adoption, making public, monitoring, focus,
priorities etc.), linkage to e-Europe 2005 and national policies
- Security policy (yes/no/in process, when, by whom, adoption, content characteristics),
organisation and management of IT security
- Audits, certificates
- Infrastructure
- Existence of a metropolitan network (who is connected, technical characteristics,
organisation of operation, assurance of operation), parameters of internet connection,
connection to national infrastructure networks, plans
- Equipment of offices--LAN, connection to a metropolitan network or internet, share of
employees equipped with PC + connected to network, with access to e-mail, internet
services etc.)
- SW agendas and data
- Solution of to main agendas: internal (economics, property management, personnel
administration, document administration, specialist self-governing agendas), external
(web, state administration agendas), special systems (e.g., GIS), level of integration and
use of web technologies
- Creation, administration and use of basic registers and dials, level of integration,
- Major linkages to surrounding public administration information systems: of the state,
region (upwards), of the city district (downwards)
- Use of SW open source (including plan)
- e-Government, web, CRM and specific e-Services
- Existence of an e-Government development policy (part of information strategy,
independent), political declaration on public administration modernisation with the use of
- Organisation of e-Government (management structure, project, who implements it, who is
responsible for actual management, promotion and education)
- Communication channels used for promotion of services--web, call centres, information
and contact centres (one-stop), public access places (info-kiosks), mobile facilities,
digital TV etc.), integration of services
- Address of the city's website, interesting information services, multilingual versions,
participation in competitions and awards
- Characteristics of the degree of existing e-Government services according to four
categories (information, one-way interaction, two-way interaction, transactions)
- Target groups addressed and differentiated
- Accessibility of e-services for citizens (proportion of citizens with internet access,
possessing mobile technologies, equipping of schools, public access places etc.), support
for accessibility for various population groups (the disabled, the elderly etc.)
- Organisation of website management (technologies + editing), training of managers and
- Assurance of feedback (use of e-services in total and individually)
- Activities for civic society development and participation in the city's administration
- Promotion of e-Learning, for employees' education, for schools
- Analyses of labour organisation and management processes and changes, modification of
structures relating to e-Government development (Re-engineering)
- Introduction of electronic signatures, chip cards and other specific e-Security elements
- Cooperation, financing etc.
- Permanent IT cooperation with other networks and professional organisation or other
cities (at the national and international level)
- Experience and involvement in joint projects (international, national, among several
subjects), preparation and experience with implementation of projects drawing support from
EU funds, mainly structural funds
- Priorities and plans for other activities
- Experience and lessons learned
- Specific projects
- Any other interesting projects and activities that can serve as models for others (best
practices)--brief annotation